Move your equipment, goods, and belongings with a dependable lorry rental from Mister Lorry – a leading lorry transport services provider in Malaysia. We provide the best lorry rental service in Malaysia of the highest-quality, may it be for a short-term, monthly, or long-term leasing packages at reasonable rates.
Mister Lorry is an established lorry rental company in Malaysia that provides moving solutions and crane services in Malaysia. Our goal is to offer lorry trucks and cranes with the highest quality and standards to accommodate clients’ needs. Lorry Rental Company strives to be a well-respected company that has reliable and quality products and services in terms of providing lift, height safety, and rig in the industry.
Our History
Mister Lorry began with a few crane rental units with few-ton capacities offered to local clients. Through the years, we have invested in expanding and updating our fleets and services for better services provided to our clients and customers. Today, we now offer lorry trucks with different ton capacities to better serve our clients.
Why Hire Us
Since we are in the rental industry, clients often hire us for relocation projects and the moving of heavy items and goods. We have been working to provide clients with safe and hassle-free transportation. So if you are planning to relocate heavy equipment and items, here are the reasons why Mister Lorry is the right lift rental company for you: