Move your equipment, goods, and belongings with a dependable lorry rental from Mister Lorry – a leading lorry transport services provider in Malaysia. We provide the best lorry rental service in Malaysia of the highest-quality, may it be for a short-term, monthly, or long-term leasing packages at reasonable rates.
Moving and relocation projects are included in high-risk jobs, especially for manpower. But accidents in the workplace can be avoided or at least lessen if the right lorry rental in Seri Kembangan is chosen.
Mister Lorry is a leading provider of heavy equipment transportation solutions with high-quality rental lorry trucks in Seri Kembangan and other parts of Malaysia. We aim to meet our client’s expectations, requirements, and timelines to guarantee quality and professional services.
Well-maintained Lorry Trucks in Seri Kembangan
To prioritize the safety of our clients, we aim to stay committed to performing our safety measures during proposals and negotiations. We perform a risk assessment and relocation plan operations, briefing of our relocation team on their responsibilities, and securing the workplace if there are any hazards and high-risk factors.
We also maintain our lorry trucks with great mechanical condition and performance to lessen the accidents in the workplace. Scheduled checking and inspection of the machines are conducted continuously to avoid future problems.
Dependable Lorry Rental in Seri Kembangan
To cater to different relocation requirements and weight capacity needs, we have invested in having an extensive fleet of lorry trucks. We provide light-duty small-sized lorry trucks – 1-ton lorries, medium-sized lorry trucks – 3-ton lorries, and heavy-duty-large-sized lorry cranes – 5-ton and 10-ton lorries. For a full list of our lorry trucks and services. We also offer monthly lorry rental and long-time rental time for our rental units.
At Mister Lorry, we also provide transparent pricing for our rental units to accommodate every budget at a reasonable rate, flexible time for our clients for them to be able to choose their most convenient time, and professionally trained drivers and operators for safety.